No More Waiting On The Manufacturer!

At the beginning of 2020 the construction industry was flipped upside down with the highest demand for new construction and unprecedented supply chain issues. This caused the patio cover industry to grind to a halt with customers waiting 6 months or longer for a new patio. These wait times were unacceptable to us and we knew we had to do something different in 2021 if we were going to survive, so with the racing mentality of “Checkers or Wreckers” we went all In!

Small parts bagged and ready for assembly

We invested in material, equipment, shelving and warehouse space then designed a whole new stream line process to get the product to the customers in record setting times. We now keep 5-10 of each of the most common color patios on the shelf with replenishment deliveries arriving weekly. Having our own supply on hand also allows us to complete every job on schedule. In the event a part is damaged or cut to the wrong length we simply grab another off our shelf. The companies not carrying their own material are forced to reorder and wait for it to be reproduced or worse yet install damaged parts.

Weekly Delivery

Big Ben Sleeping On The Job

7 Different Color Combinations to Choose From